13. Output Devices

This week I learned a little more about output devices and worked on the code and the servomotor that would carry my final project.

Description of the work process of the week13

A digital signal takes on specific values (high or low) represented by a square wave in the time domain. Digital outputs provide control signals for electronic circuits to perform functions required by the user.Within the output devices, we can find the motor, the LED, the spotlight, among others.

Digital signals take specific values (high or low) representing a square wave (as I showed in week 11) in the time domain.

The digital outputs take control signals so that the electronic circuits perform the functions we want. The language in electronics, when the XIAO sends 5V through a pin it is sending 1, when it is not sending anything it is 0, and thus continually creating a combination of 1 and 0, thus providing us with different values which will be interpreted by the electronic devices.

To program the outputs, as an example we can take the ignition outputs of a LED.

In week 11 I will talk about one of the components that I will use, such as the ultrasonic sensor, this time I will talk about another of the components, the servomotor. The servomotor that I will use for my final project will be the MG995 servomotor, this servomotor will drive one of the paddles, up or down, this servomotor has the following electrical connections:

  • Voltage positive.
  • Negative earth.
  • Pulse width modulation signal cable.

reflection and analysis

As I had already talked about in week 6 of programming, I already had the program to execute the functions of the servomotor, this time I had to put it into practice, I also added part of the project pieces to see if the movement I wanted was achieved.

Useful links

